Air pollution and the solution....

Air is the most important element of our life.  Air pollution cannot be defined clearly.  Air is a mixture of some gases and moisture.  It also has some inert substances.
We cannot have 'pure air' in any part of the world.  When we breathe oxygen, as well as some other gases and substances enter our respiratory system, before we talk about air pollution, we need to know what are the elements in pure air.  The  The composition of pure air is shown in the following table.

The air element is virtually life itself. Historically, air pollution started with the invention of fire. After this, it started to grow with the processing of iron and gold, and is continuously increasing with the use of coal. A new era of pollution began with the invention of the steam engine of the 18th century and with the Industrial Revolution. During this period, with the increase in motor vehicles, there has been a tremendous increase in it. At present, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 'Air pollution is a condition under which the human body and its harmful elements accumulate in the external environment.' In other words, air Quantitative or qualitative changes in the general organization, which adversely affect life or biodegradable abiotic components, is called air pollution.

Airborne pollution is beyond the political boundaries of the world. It affects distant atmospheres and human settlements from its sources. Power houses (especially coal-based), acid rain, motor vehicles, pesticides, forest fires, garbage generated by agricultural operations, cigarette smoke, kitchen smoke, etc. are the major factors in pollution caused by human activities. Before this, discuss these factors in detail, see the effects of air pollution on human health and on animals and plants.

Major air pollutants:

 1- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
 2- Nitrogen Oxide (NO)
 3- Carbon monoxide (CO)
 4- Solid Particulate material
 5- Iron particles
 6- Ozone (O3)
 7- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
 8- Hydrocarbons
 9- Methane
 10- Some metals
 11- Radiation.

Sources of air pollution -
The process of air pollution due to natural and human causes is called air pollution. Therefore, there are two main sources of air pollution: natural and human.

 Natural Source - There are many sources in nature that contaminate the air system. Such as volcanic action, davagni (forest fires), organic waste etc. The lava, pieces of rock, water vapor, ash, various gases, etc. emitted during volcanic eruptions contaminate the atmosphere. Ashes, smoke gases etc. pollute the air due to davagni or forest fires. Methane gas contaminates the atmosphere due to rotting of organic matter in marshy areas. Apart from this, fog, meteorites, microorganisms, pollen, sea minerals also play an important role in air pollution. But air pollution from natural sources is relatively limited and less harmful.

 Human Source - Air pollution is continuously increasing by various activities of mankind. The major human sources of air pollution are -

 1- Destruction of forests -
 Due to the continuous increase in population, the demand for agricultural land, residential land, industrialization etc. has increased. Which is being supplied by cutting the forests. The environment ecosystem remains balanced in the presence of forests, it has become imbalanced due to the destruction of forests.

2- Industry / Tomorrow Factory (Small, Medium, Large) -
 Industry is the main factor in sources of air pollution. As a result of the industrial revolution, industrialization took place all over the world, but at the same time there has been an increase in serious problems like air pollution. Various gases from the chimneys of industries such as carbon dioxide, sulfur monoxide, sulfur k. Oxides, hydrocarbons, dust mites, vapor particles, smoke etc. are the main factors of air pollution.

 3- Transportation -
Transport is a very important cause of air pollution. With the increase of population, the means of transport has also increased in abundance. Due to the combustion of petrol and diesel used in automatic vehicles, many air pollutants are produced such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, smoke, glass etc. The combustion of one gallon of petrol by an automatic vehicle pollutes about 5x2 million cubic feet of air.

 The number of vehicles is continuously increasing in all the countries of the world and the results arising from it are being reflected from time to time (such as becoming foggy). According to a study, 33 percent of air pollution is caused by smoke emanating from vehicles. According to a report by the World Health Organization, the level of air pollution in the big cities of the country is two to three times higher than the prescribed standards. According to an estimate, there are 70 lakh vehicles in Delhi, more than two lakh auto rickshaws in Mumbai, more than 9 lakh passenger cars, about 10,000 taxis and more than 25 thousand buses and more than 3 lakh commercial vehicles. Every day 200 new vehicles are added to the 10 lakh vehicles on the road in Lucknow. There are 1.5 million vehicles in Jaipur, 31 lakh in Bangalore.

4)Agricultural operation -
The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture has increased due to the Green Revolution in the country. Along with this, various pesticides are being used in crops. During spraying of these chemical pesticides, they directly or indirectly enter the atmosphere and spoil the pure atmospheric composition. The permanent effect of many insecticidal chemicals is more dangerous because they take too long to decompose or do not decompose such as CDT, BHC, dieldrin, endosulfas etc.

Air pollution control measures :-
 In view of the deadly effects of air pollution, in the developed countries of the world, since the 1950s and 60s, rapid control and measures of air pollution are being resorted to. A number of control and management related works have been started here near all the contact areas or nucleus terrestrial industries, decentralized and possible pollution areas. Pollution machines have been installed here at all such places and on the side of congested roads. The limit of maximum tolerance in all conditions of pollution has also been widely set. All pollution-causing factories have started using equipment and specialized technology for pollution control and management as per the norms set by the governments and administration there.

In India too, special studies have been done about the widespread effects of pollution since the 1970s. At present, the administration has made it mandatory to install pollution measuring instruments in all metros and industrial centers. Many institutions of the country are engaged in this work. Notable names of Nagpur (National Institute of Ecology and Environment Research), Environment Department of major universities, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhabha Molecular Research Center, Bombay, National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination, Government of India, Union Ministry of Health and Labor, etc. Huh. It is advisable to make all these works in coordination with the National Committee on Environment and Planning and to make various rules and laws on the basis of them and to use or import special pollution control and technology and equipment. Environmental management organizations have been established in the central and states for the purpose of coordinating all such works.

 Special action for air pollution control in India has been contemplated since the 1980s and some preliminary action has also been taken in the metros. After the Bhopal gas accident at night on 2-3 December 1984, special efforts are being made in this direction. The following efforts and actions are required for air pollution control.

1-   Pre-installed polluting industries in residential areas of all metros (having population of 10 lakhs or more) should be immediately shifted to pre-determined locations (in industrial settlements). By simply selling the available land, setting up an industry at a new place will also result in greater economic benefits.

 2- To control the fog generated by dissolution, moisture and smoke in the atmosphere, the height of the chimneys which blow more smoke is 80-100 m. Concentration plants should be set up to produce solid byproducts from smoke. Such efforts are also being started in Delhi, Bombay and other metros.

 3- 50 km in any case in metros with a population of more than 25 lakhs. Strict restrictions should be imposed at the national level on the establishment of all types of industries that smoke smoke and cause special pollution in the atmosphere. A similar system should be followed in large cities with a population of 10 lakh to 25 lakh.

 4- Where machines extract fine particles, such substances should be reassembled by special process by stopping them by machine-cloth or special filter nets to prevent them from spreading in the atmosphere so that the expenses incurred to prevent pollution will not remain unviable. It should be made mandatory in cement and stone powder industry etc.

 5- In the industry or near environment, if pollution increases due to natural and human reasons, then workers should use special mask.

 6- To control the smoke emanating from the vehicles and to control all types of leaks arising from them, even before the first requirement, all vehicles should be smoke-less than certain criteria, otherwise special improvements should be made for energy consumption and smoke control. In areas, the percentage of smoke on traffic collectors should be increased specially, the effect of vehicles should be controlled immediately. By declaring such places as one-way flow routes, immediate tributaries should be developed there.

 7- The development of green belt around canal roads and rail routes must be done. Trees should be planted regularly and their records maintained and records maintained. Wherever space is available in buildings, trees must be planted.

 8 - Complete proof device of poisonous gas in molecular institutions should be ensured so that its system remains a decisive control of the functioning of the system.

 9- All radioactive materials coming out of molecular units can be stored in special bricks by closing them in polythene, closed in special compartments, in special compartments, by special process. Before putting them in the ocean floor, they should be sealed in cement or concrete tanks and put in the sea so that the radioactivity in the ocean floor can not increase quickly.


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