United Nations Human Rights Commission speaks on India's agriculture law

Geneva - The United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) has appealed to the administration to exercise maximum restraint, along with those protesting against agricultural laws.  The Commission has said that it is important to seek equitable solutions while respecting human rights.  The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner's office tweeted that in addition to protecting the interests of the protesters, it is also necessary that both sides maintain restraint.
 Explain that protesters have been frozen for more than two months on Delhi's borders against the three laws brought for reform in the agricultural sector.  On 26 January, protesters created a huge uproar in the Red Fort and many other places in Delhi.  Chakka jam has also been called on Saturday against agricultural laws.

Opposition thinking on ending deadlock :-
   The first week in the Lok Sabha was in the name of opposition uproar against agrarian reform laws. If the opposition insisted on a demand for a debate in the House on the issue of farmers, then the government also refused to come under pressure from the opposition. Due to this, the functioning of the House came to a standstill due to the uproar of the opposition. Meanwhile, the deadlock is expected to end on Monday after several meetings between the government and the opposition.

Opposition should tell, what is black in agricultural laws: Tomar
 Narendra Singh Tomar said in the Rajya Sabha on Friday that someone will tell what is black in the agricultural law?  Just saying it is black cannot make a thing nor can it be improved.  For the last two months, I was asking the farmers the same.  Neither there is an answer nor do you have it. '  Tomar said that contract farming takes place in about two dozen states, including Punjab and Haryana, and there is a provision for punishing the farmers for breaking the contract there.  There is no mention of any punishment for the farmers in the Central law, yet it is being accused.

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